In just 3 days time will be at the Crisis in Antwerp, the first ever show for Eureka Miniatures UK.
You can find us at Stand 41 in Hall 1, please drop by and say hello - we will be bringing as much stock as we possibly can, in fact everything we can fit in!
Also don't forget to see Ara and Lon from Mana Press, who will be demoing their Tribal and Maximillian 1934 games next to us all day - we will have deals on supporting miniatures and books too.
Hope to see some of you there?
- Nick
You can find us at Stand 41 in Hall 1, please drop by and say hello - we will be bringing as much stock as we possibly can, in fact everything we can fit in!
Also don't forget to see Ara and Lon from Mana Press, who will be demoing their Tribal and Maximillian 1934 games next to us all day - we will have deals on supporting miniatures and books too.
Hope to see some of you there?
- Nick