Eureka Miniatures continues its journey through the grand traditions of storytelling, with Chaucer's most famous band of pilgrims...

New Releases: infamous Général and proud Chasseurs à Cheval of the Guard
New additions to the AB Figures Napoleonic 18mm range...

SALUTE 52, ExCeL London - please pre-order now
Eureka Miniatures UK will once again be attending the hugely popular SALUTE at ExCeL, London on Saturday 12th April 2025...

New Release: Spanish Artillery Figures, Limbers
New Spanish limbers and teams for the Peninsula War from AB Figures...

New Release: French Command Sets
Our first set of releases for 2025 from AB Figures include Napoleon...

Vapnartak 2025, York - please pre-order now

AB 20mm WWII US Paras - wave 2
An early Christmas present for you to see the year out.
Wave 2 of the AB 20mm US Paratroops, consisting of a set of additional fighting poses, jeep crew, a drop zone set and some Paras with handcarts.
This release will round off your platoon or Easy companies so you can concentrate on some gaming over the holidays.
AB-INA33 - US Paras fighting
AB-SPA07 - US Paras in Jeeps*
AB-SPA08 - US Paras DZ
AB-SPA09 - US Paras trolley
- Nick
*jeeps not included.

28mm Chinese Guerrillas

1805 Russians - AB Figures