1805 Russians - AB Figures

1805 Russians - AB Figures


Tony Barton has made the following additions to the 1805 - 11 Russian Napoleonic Range which has previously lacked some dynamic poses and variants that the other ranges have.

There are now Musketeers, Grenadiers, Kurassier, Hussars and Dragoons in action poses. Also, some mounted Horse Artillery should you want to model your gunners on the move riding behind their limber.


ER01a 1805 Russian Musketeers Bicorne, advancing

ER05a 1805 Russian Musketeers, shako, firing and loading

ER09b 1805 Russian Grenadier shako, firing and loading

ER13b 1805 Russian Grenadier mitre, firing and loading


ER30a 1805 Russian Kurrasier, charging

ER38a 1805 Russian Hussar, charging

ER39a 1805 Russian Hussar Officer charging

ER34a 1805 Russian Dragoon, charging


ER54 1805 Russian mounted horse artillery


 - Nick

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