Waka (canoe) (28mm)
Eureka Miniatures UK
Product Code: 100MAU20
Available to order: please allow 28-35 days for despatch of this item after purchase.

Mdf kit. Price per kit.

On an island country dotted with waterways, the canoes (waka) of the Maori offered the best opportunity to launch surprise attacks on enemy strongholds or villages. Hollowed from larger trees, typically Kauri, the Waka was covered in carvings – particularly the stern and prow panels. Streaking through the water, different sized waka could hold as little as 20 men for a surprise raid, and up to a hundred warriors for a major campaign into enemy territory.

With carvings designed by Aramiha, Battlefield Accessories provide an excellent 28mm-scale model to launch a Maori attack on the enemy.