Најзад, Най-накрая, At Last

28mm WW1 Serbians and Bulgarians, Sculpted by Dmitry Malyshew

If you attended Cancon in January 2020, you may have had a sneak peak of the pre-release figures of 28mm WW1 Serbians. We (Eureka Miniatures Australia) were excited to meet an Australian-Serbian customer as well as two Serbian nationals, Aleksandra and Mark of Craftworld Studio who were in Australia giving painting demonstrations. A pandemic later, we have added Bulgarians to finally complete the range.

Allies in the First Balkan War, but opponents in the Second Balkan War and World War One, this range of Serbians and Bulgarians covers all three conflicts. Our Serbian range is suitable for 1912-1915, after which the Serbian army was re-equipped by their allies.

The Schneider 75mm Artillery piece is suitable for use with both the Serbians and Bulgarians.

On 28 July 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia sparking what would become known as the First World War. Serbia fought bravely and defeated an initial invasion by Austria-Hungary.

A second campaign in October 1915 coordinated by Austria, Germany and Bulgaria led to a Serbian defeat forcing their military from their homeland. Bulgaria continued to fight until their ultimate defeat in September 1918, with more casualties per-capita than any other nation involved in the First World War.

Our new sculptor Dmitry Malyshew, is currently working on a range of First World War Russians in 28mm for us.

We would like to add more nationalities that fought in the Balkans and Eastern Front during World War One and would value any of your suggestions or information you may wish to share with us.

Product Listing
100HBC040 Serbian Infantry
100HBC041 Serbian NCO
100HBC042 Serbian Standard Bearer
100HBC043 Serbian Officer
100HBC044 Serbian Sentry
100HBC045 Serbian Maxim and Crew
100HBC046 Serbian Artillery Crew
100HBC047 Set of seven Serbian heads
100HBC048 Set of seven bearded Serbian heads
100HBC100 French 75mm Artillery Piece

100HBC060 Bulgarian Infantry, advancing
100HBC061 Bulgarian Infantry, firing and loading
100HBC062 Bulgarian Infantry, throwing grenade
100HBC063 Bulgarian NCO
100HBC064 Bulgarian Officer
100HBC065 Bulgarian Bugler
100HBC066 Bulgarian Standard Bearer
100HBC067a Bulgarian Maxim and Crew
100HBC067b Bulgarian MG 0.8 and Crew
100HBC068 Bulgarian Crew
100HBC099 Schneider 75mm Artillery Piece

Take a look in the Online Store for prices and more photos

We are also offering two bargain packs:
SERBP Bargain pack of 30 assorted Serbian Infantry
BULBP Bargain pack of 30 assorted Bulgarian Infantry