That's right, Crisis (Antwerp) 2019 will be the first European wargames show attended by Eureka Miniatures UK on 9th November.
Come and visit our stand to see what's new, as well as lots of other great traders and demo games - including our friends from Mana Press who will be showing off both their Tribal and Maximillian 1934 games, with rumours of a new release too!
- Nick
ABC Brushes
Adler Miniatures
Archon Studio
Arts of War T Shirts
Asymetric Wargames
Atlantis Miiatures
Bandua Wargames
Bargain Games
Battlefont Miniatures Europe
Baueda Wargames
Bears Head miniatures
Black Scorpion Miniatures
Brigade Models
Brother Vinni
Caliver Books
CCG Winkel
Charlie Foxtrot Models
Conquest Games
Crooked Dice Game Design Studio
Dave Thomas
David Lanchester's Miltary Books
Dax Magic
Deep Cut Studio
Dio History
Drowned Earth Miniatures
Eagle Figures
Early War Miniatures
Emperor Toads Emporium
Empress Miniatures
Erwin Strip en Boek Antikwariaat
Eureka Miniatures UK
Fantasy en Counter
Foundry Miniatures
Freebooter Miniatures
Frontline Games
Games N Stuff
Game troll
Glenbrook Games & Painting Service
GM Boardgames
Gringo's 40
Hagen Miniatures
Heer 46
Hexy Studio
Jiver Miniatures
Karwansaray Publishers
Kore Thinking
KR Multicase
Kraken Wargames
L'Antre Jeux
Last Sword Miniatures
Lesley's Bit Box
Magister Militum
Mana Press Publishing
Mark's Miniatures
May 40 Miniatures
Micro Art Studio
Millenium Books
More Terrain
My Battlegrounds
Najewitz Modelbau
Offensive Miniatures
PAIN(t) Free
Panzer Models
Para Dices
PK- Pro
Plastic Soldier Company
pro- Tools
Pwork Wargames
Saddle Goose Design
Sarissa Precision
Scenery & Zo
Scenery Factory
Stronghold terrain
Studio Miniatures
Tabletop Basements
Tabletopper NL
TGCM Creations
The Assault Group
The Last Valley
The Troll Trader
Trent Miniatures
Trolls Under The Bridge
Van Dijck Models and Figurines
Varosh Gameworld
War Mage Games
Warfare Miniatures
Wargames Illustrated
Wargamers PL
Warhouse Games
Warlord Games
Warmonger Miniatures
Wendy's Miniatures
Worean Shop
Wurfel- Meister UG